Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Everyone's a Heretic

My first tongue-in-cheek title.

The real problem I've had in starting out a Catholic is that I find my own beliefs and understandings of Church doctrine are quickly called heretical by other internet Catholics, and that for those who profess that "Church teachings are very clear and consistent" appear to enjoy using that to try and bludgeon others into accepting their system - I think there is great pride for some in being the biggest "I am the most correctist person" and pointing out everyone else's heresies for them.


Bonald writes that the Pope's apparently heretical statements have made him doubt the trustworthiness of all the Pope's statements and writings.

David responds that we must be "subject to the Roman Pontiff" or we're going to Hell, presumably because otherwise we're heretics.

George says out the SSPX has left the church because the "Vatican II" council contains statements that or in error, or tending towards heresy, while liberals within the church accuse the SSPX of being schismatic and potentially facing the same punishment as heretics for not being directly obedient to the current Pontiff (and his apparent heretical beliefs?)

David responds that George's understanding of the Vatican II teachings (that non-Catholics belief systems can lead to salvation) are wrong and the teachings are consistent, and that George is preaching heresy by believing his interpretation of those teachings.

Olaus concludes by accusing Bonald of being heretical traditionalist, and furthermore daring to preach the heresy of Fideism.


I asked my local conservative Priest (I think the most, or one of the most, conservative in our parish) about what it-all-means. He explained that, indeed, non-Catholics may obtain salvation and that we should hope for it - though the Catholic church is the only true path and church established by God.

The last part sounds about right, but I'm not so sure about the first (though I'd like to believe it). At least he's not quite as heretical as the Pope, but I fear the internet might still condemn him as a heretic for not condemning all non-Catholics to Hell.

It's good to know that we as Catholics can at least figure it all out (?) even when the Pope's statements are especially hard to interpret in light of previous statements - because they're not really heretical or you're a heretic for thinking so. (I'm pretty sure Bonald's commenters have also pointed out that's a heresy too though.)

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