Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Good Moments Are Eternal

God is eternal, or outside time, with perfect knowledge.

This concept I think we can not really imagine or conceive, because our lives are lived so differently, but it leads to a beautiful conclusion that affects our every waking moment.

The good we do each day,  and that others do to us, or that somehow effects us - even the most minor acts of love - such as holding my son, or kissing my wife, or helping relieve ones burden, even helping sweep the floor are truly eternal and a manifestation of God, or an aspect of Him, in reality. We may say a "small part" but God really had no boundaries in this way and may even be fully manifest in the smallest particle of the Eucharist.

[I had a beautiful dream of receiving the chalice last night, and wanting to make sure even the smallest drop was drank, and trying to get every last drop but it seemed I could never fully drain it, yet it gave me such great joy and I knew He was in even the smallest drop.]

To us living time-bound each moment seems instantly lost, each good thing always behind us. This may help us in our task of continuing to manifest God, to create beauty, to do good, to share the truth - as each new moment is created. It is like a painters canvas on which we may work.

But God is not time-bound, and he knows all, and he knows this all outside time, that is - in eternity. He knows all things in perfection, so perfect that they truly exist. He knows Himself so that it created the Son, and so loved the Son it manifests the Holy Spirit, and this Trinity bound by love of infinite power and greatness and joy beyond our conception - God loves us with this Love and sustains our very lives each moment with this Love.

So all those good things, all those even seemingly mundane and silly things, like children playing, and singing songs, and hugging are truly eternal as God is - truly existing in the eternity of eternities - world without end - is now and ever shall be.

Because we know too that God is all good, all truth, all beauty, each good moment and thing is also manifesting God in the present, in the now we can feel, and taste, and head, in the very present.

So when we fill our lives with the good we are filling our lives with the things that are eternal, moments that will eternally be really present in God and Heaven, and really bringing God Himself into our lives and others, making Him really present in what seems like "a small part" to us, though He may really and fully be present, though we may not or can not fully perceive it.

(I wrote this quickly after praying to God for an answer on whether these good things and moments were eternal, after hugging my son, because it seemed to me unbearably tragic were they not! So each Christmas the joy we manifest may be in part the same real joy that existed on the actual birth day of Christ so many years ago.)

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